There is a ton of information on keeping our canine friends safe for winter walks and activities, but what about our cats? Felines need just as much care and attention during the colder months as their four-legged counterparts.
Here are some top tips for keeping your cat happy and comfortable this winter season.
Keep Them Warm and Dry
If you have an outdoor cat that isn’t afraid of the cold, it is important to dry them off with a towel if they get wet outside. Ensure they have a warm, quality cat bed and pillow to keep them comfortable after their journey outdoors. This is particularly important for older cats and cats with medical conditions such as arthritis. Any felines who may be less active or have lost some muscle tone or weight may have trouble maintaining their body temperature on their own, so it is essential for them to have warm bedding.
Be Careful Using Antifreeze
Ethylene glycol, otherwise known as antifreeze, can be fatal to cats if they ingest it. This is an issue because cats are attracted to the taste of it. Antifreeze is used in car radiators and can be found in screen washes and deicers. You should store any products securely and clean up spills right away. Contact your vet immediately if you think your cat may have ingested antifreeze or been exposed to it. Signs that your cat may have ingested antifreeze include increased urination or drinking, vomiting, lethargy, seeming uncoordinated, seizures, fast heart rate, and fast, shallow breathing.
It is also a good idea to tap the hood of your car and check around the tires before you start your engine and drive away this winter. As the temperature drops, cats seek shelter under cars to soak up the warmth from recently running engines.
Check Their Paws
When your cat comes in from outside, check their paws and gently wipe them with a damp cloth or towel to remove any rock salt or chemicals. Roads may have been salted, so you’ll need to remove this from your cat’s paws, so they don’t ingest it when grooming themselves. Check for signs of frostbite, irritation, or other injuries. This is especially important for long-haired cats as they are prone to snow compacting between their toes which can turn into painful ice buildup.
Whether you are an animal shelter facility or a residential cat owner, keeping your felines protected and safe during the colder months is crucial. Investing in a quality cat bed and pillow could make all the difference in keeping your cats comfortable and warm.
If you need durable and safe cat housing shelters to accommodate your new cat beds, The Cat’s Inn has specifically designed cat enclosers for animal shelters. Call (877)228-7466 to get the proper equipment necessary for keeping your cats safe this winter.
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