If you have a kitty friend, you are no stranger to the nighttime wake up calls. You are laughing right now because you know what we mean. Your cat jumps on you in the middle of the night like there was a killer chasing them up the stairs. Or you wake up to their paw… Read more »
Tag: Caring for a Cat
Exploring the 5 Senses of Cats
Cats have all the same senses that humans do: sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. However, they work differently for cats than they do for humans. So what are the key differences? Having an idea of how your cat’s senses run can give you an insider’s view of how to take care of your cat… Read more »
The Responsibilities of Owning a Cat
Being a pet owner of any kind is a responsibility you need to be ready for, and maybe even expect the unexpected. Do not just shuffle off to the closest animal shelter and adopt the first cat you see. You need to do your research and be prepared for the cost and responsibility you are… Read more »
Preventing and Managing Feline House-Soiling
One of the biggest reasons that cat owners relinquish their pets is due to accidents in the home. Many times the cats wind up in shelters and are later euthanized. Luckily, there are ways to avoid this situation and we can help cats remain in their homes with their human families. The first thing to… Read more »
Natural Remedies for Cat Fleas
When it comes to pets; fleas are a troublesome enemy. Though we do our best to protect our cats from coming into contact with fleas; sometimes our efforts fall short and we must find the best way to remedy the situation. Many cat owners dread putting their pets through harsh and often toxic, chemical treatments…. Read more »
What Should I Feed My Cat?
Having a cat is good for you. A feline’s presence alone can improve your mental and physical health. In addition to being a good friend and a great cuddle buddy, your cat is your family. You’re responsible for feeding and caring for the cat, and no matter what anyone says, that cat is your child…. Read more »
Some Tips for Keeping Your Cat Cool in Hot Summers
Cats may be very independent creatures, but they don’t know everything. They need your help and love to stay healthy and safe. During the summer’s heat they can be very susceptible to heatstroke and dehydration if you don’t stay alert. Here are some tips for keeping your cat cool during these hot days. Keeping your… Read more »