Of all our cats’ curious behaviors, their fondness for cardboard boxes is one of their most peculiar traits. If you’ve ever left an empty box out after receiving a package in the mail, chances are it didn’t take long for your cat to make themselves at home in it. Even big cats like tigers and… Read more »
Tag: cats
Can Cats get Jealous?
The short answer would be yes, but not in the same way you as a human would get jealous. Cats are different they show jealousy because of something that is wrong, maybe insecurity or anger over a situation. When cats exhibit jealousy over another cat or a person it isn’t something that should be encouraged… Read more »
Caring for Your Cat after Its Spayed or Neutered
It is time for you to take your cat to the vet for the much needed spaying or neutering. Even though it is routine for pet hospitals, it is still surgery. After their surgery your cat will need your love and attention to help them have a speedy recovery. Here are some tips to help… Read more »
Cat Myths Debunked
Our furry pals are family members and we adore them. Cats are especially singular in their behaviors, and still have a bit of the wild in them. A lot of people who have cats think they are unpredictable and inscrutable, and there are a lot of myths surrounding the house cat that just aren’t true…. Read more »
Exploring the 5 Senses of Cats
Cats have all the same senses that humans do: sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. However, they work differently for cats than they do for humans. So what are the key differences? Having an idea of how your cat’s senses run can give you an insider’s view of how to take care of your cat… Read more »
Cat Got Your Tongue?
If you have never been licked by cats then go to your nearest animal shelters and cuddle up with a pretty kitty. After you fall in love with them take them home and continue to play with them and love them until they one day lick you. Yes it is that big of a deal!… Read more »