Our hearts break when we hear that defenseless animals have been abandoned or given up. We want to help in any way we can, whether volunteering at a shelter or writing out a quick check. Shelters rely on the kindness and compassion of humans to keep their animals safe and thriving.
Supporting your local shelter through monetary donations can significantly help provide comfort and care to thousands of pets in your area, but how exactly do these shelters use your money to help the animals?
Vet Expenses
When pets are brought into a shelter, they usually need to undergo a routine health exam and get any vaccinations they might not have. If they arrive with any obvious injuries, they will need extra blood work or medications. All veterinary expenses for cats and dogs are paid for by the shelter themselves. The local government or animal control centers do not pay any vet expenses for the pets. That is why monetary donations are so important to the health and wellbeing of the animals.
Many shelters will invest money into training the animals to become good, adoptable pets in the future. Sometimes all it takes is a little extra training for a pet to ward off any bad behavior they formed before they arrived. A few weeks with a trainer can be costly, so your donation to a shelter could make all the difference in a pet’s adoptability.
Food and Shelter
Animals that find their way into a shelter might not have had access to nutritious food or water to keep them healthy. Therefore, many shelters will use their funds to buy dry or canned food and milk replacers to nourish the animals back to health.
For a shelter to hold all the pets that arrive, they need to buy comfortable but practical housing for their space. They might use their donations to invest in customizable cat townhouses, so their feline friends can feel safe and secure while they wait for their new home. Cats are extremely sensitive to their environment, and it takes extra care to keep them happy and healthy in a shelter.
When it comes to animal shelters, every single dollar can help. Your money will be put to good use and can change the life of a pet in need.
If you are a shelter or a person looking to donate quality animal housing products to pets in need, The Cat’s Inn can provide you with handmade cat beds and pillows along with a variety of cat townhouses. Call (877)228-7466 to purchase safe and comfortable cat housing for your local shelter.
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