Author: The Cats Inn

Fun Facts about Your Cat’s Sleeping Patterns

There are times where it seems your cat gets up for the day- just to take another nap. The truth is, your cat isn’t being lazy they just have a very different set of sleeping patterns compared to humans. In an evolutionary light, cats as predators needed a lot of energy to stalk and hunt… Read more »

Caring for Your Cat after Its Spayed or Neutered

It is time for you to take your cat to the vet for the much needed spaying or neutering. Even though it is routine for pet hospitals, it is still surgery. After their surgery your cat will need your love and attention to help them have a speedy recovery. Here are some tips to help… Read more »

Cat Myths Debunked

Our furry pals are family members and we adore them. Cats are especially singular in their behaviors, and still have a bit of the wild in them. A lot of people who have cats think they are unpredictable and inscrutable, and there are a lot of myths surrounding the house cat that just aren’t true…. Read more »

How to Help a Fearful Cat

Cats are very independent but sometimes they can still get frightened. The first thing you should do if you notice your cat is acting differently towards people, places or things is to take them to the vet. If your cat is in pain because of a condition or sickness they will be acting out and… Read more »

Why Your Cat Needs a Scratching Post

You love your cat. And he loves you. But it is important to keep in mind that he is descended from the large cats – lions, cheetahs, tigers – which climb trees and require sharp, long claws for traction.  They also use the trees as scratching posts. Your cat has no need for such traction,… Read more »

How to Help Kitty Sleep at Night

If you have a kitty friend, you are no stranger to the nighttime wake up calls. You are laughing right now because you know what we mean. Your cat jumps on you in the middle of the night like there was a killer chasing them up the stairs. Or you wake up to their paw… Read more »